27 April 2016

Industry: ASC welcomes Future Submarine announcement

Australian submarine builder and maintainer ASC today congratulated DCNS on being selected as the Government’s design partner for Australia’s Future Submarine project and congratulated the Government on completing a very thorough and professional Competitive Evaluation Process.

Interim Chief Executive Officer Stuart Whiley said the decision to build the 12 future submarines in Australia was recognition of ASC’s highly skilled workforce and their recent productivity improvements.

“ASC has more than 2,600 men and women currently working on submarines and warships; it’s the largest and most capable naval shipbuilding workforce in Australia and the quality of their work is world class,” he said.

“I congratulate the thousands of workers and suppliers whose commitment to innovation and continuous improvement on our Collins Class program has been a major factor in giving the Government confidence to build the future submarine fleet in Australia.

“ASC is committed to working collaboratively with DCNS from the earliest stages and sharing our unique understanding of Australian submarine requirements and conditions to ensure we build on Australia’s sovereign submarine capability to meet future needs.

“We are committed to continuing the improved levels of availability and reliability of the Collins Class submarines and being a major partner in the future submarine project.

“We believe our involvement in both projects will ensure a seamless transition between the two classes and deliver an enduring and potent submarine force for the Royal Australian Navy.

“The Future Submarine program will be a true national endeavour with thousands of suppliers across the country participating in the project, in addition to the creation of thousands of direct jobs,” Mr Whiley said.