27 April 2016

France: Australia - France selected for ocean-going submarine programme - Communiqué issued by the Presidency of the Republic

Australia's choice of France and DCNS as partners for the construction of 12 submarines is an historic one.

It marks a decisive step forward in the strategic partnership between the two countries, which are going to cooperate for 50 years on the key element of sovereignty that submarine capability represents.

France is grateful for the confidence Australia is showing in it and proud of the technological excellence its companies have displayed in this high-level competition. This new success will create jobs and development in both France and Australia.

The President has asked the Minister of Defence to go to Australia to swiftly follow up on this industrial programme, which is exceptional in its scale and scope. He thanks Australia for the choice it has made and congratulates all those who helped bring about the decision.

France Diplomatie (French Government)