07 April 2015

News Story: J-11 and J-16 can escort PLA's H-6K bombers - Russian expert

Chinese J-16 Fighter (File Photo)

China's newly developed J-11B and J-16 heavy fighters may be deployed for escort missions alongside the PLA Air Force's H-6K strategic bombers operating in the Western Pacific, according to Russian defense expert Vasil Kashin as cited in the Moscow-based Sputnik News.

An unknown number of H-6K bombers from the PLA Air Force conducted the first long-range aircraft exercise over the Western Pacific last month. Arriving at their destination through the Bashi Channel off the southern coast of Taiwan, the bomber proved its capability of launching aerial offensives against Japan. The photos released by the PLA Air Force online indicate that China has at least two regiments of H-6K bombers, according to Kashin.

Read the full story at Want China Times