11 March 2016

News Story: Pakistan F-16 Sale Survives US Senate Dogfight

Joe Gould

WASHINGTON — A measure to block the $700 million sale of eight US F-16 fighter jets to Pakistan was scuttled in the US Senate on Thursday, though US financing for the deal was on hold.

Senate Foreign Relations Chairman Bob Corker, whose committee has jurisdiction over foreign arms sales, said he will maintain a hold on the US subsidy for the jets over Pakistan’s “duplicity” in the US-backed war against the Taliban in Afghanistan.

Sen. Rand Paul, a Kentucky Republican and one-time presidential candidate, mounted an effort to halt the jet sales, citing its human rights record and intelligence community’s support of the Afghan Taliban.

“They take our money, take our arms and laugh in our face,” Paul said, adding later: “Pakistan is at best a frenemy — part friend and a lot enemy.”

Read the full story at DefenseNews