18 February 2016

News Story: Swedish/Swiss JV Pushing UAVs Here (Singapore)

UMS F330
by Chris Pocock

UMS Skeldar, the newly-formed joint venture between Saab and Swiss UAV company UMS Aero, can be found here on the stand of its regional partner CWT Defense Services (D87). The stand features full-scale models of the Skeldar rotary-wing UAV that Saab developed, and the smaller R350 unmanned helicopter that UMS designed. CWT is a diversified Singaporean logistics and engineering services company that has provided equipment and services to the Singapore armed forces.

Jacob Baumann, UMS Skeldar CEO, said that Singapore was a natural choice for the launch of the joint venture’s platforms, systems and managed services. It is targeting the Asia Pacific and Middle East as priority regions, and says it has already agreed contracts with governments in Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore and the UAE. Alex Yang, managing director of CWT Aerospace Services, told AIN that the Indonesian military was a customer for the UMS F330, a mid-size fixed-wing UAV.

Read the full story at AINonline