15 June 2015

News Story: Xinhua - South China Sea row not a flashpoint in US-China relations

The rift over the South China Sea between Beijing and Washington has heightened tensions in the region, but dispute over this body of water is only "an episode" in China-US relations instead of a flashpoint as portrayed or feared by many.

At a time when the futures and fortunes of China and the United States are more closely intertwined than they have ever been, it is imperative for them to always look for the bigger picture and prevent such solvable tensions evolving into dangerous tinderbox.

As Fan Changlong, vice chairman of China's Central Military Commission, has said, the two nations "should take the higher ground to look into the far future by paying more attention to other, more important regional and international issues."

Fan made the remarks Thursday during his talks with the US defense secretary, Ashton Carter, at the Pentagon, where he urged the US military to reduce its naval and air activities in the South China Sea.

Read the full story at Want China Times