15 June 2015

News Story: India prepares to increase border troops by up to 8,000

Image: Flickr User - Narendra Modi
Weeks after Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India visited China, New Delhi plans to station as many as 8,000 more officers in the border area of the two nations to prevent Chinese incursions, overseas Chinese news outlet Duowei reports, citing the Press Trust of India (PTI).

There are plans for 6,000 more border police to strengthen control of the Ladakh region of Indian-controlled Kashmir, while the interior ministry has approved an increase of as many as 8,000 border police to allow troops stationed in the area, where bad weather is commonplace, to rotate.

Ladakh is the site of the standoff between Chinese and Indian troops in in 2013 and the region has always been a flashpoint for border conflict.

The two sides have entered into consultations over the border and activity has often taken place around times when the leaders of the two sides have paid visits to the other.

Read the full story at Want China Times