21 February 2013

News Report: China to buy Russia’s state-of-the-art Su-35 jetfighters

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Voice of Russia, Interfax

China will buy Russia’s state-of-the-art jetfighters Su-35.

An intergovernmental agreement to that end was signed in January, with the parties due to start consultations on drawing up a contract to that end at an early date, Deputy Director of the Federal Service for Military Technological Cooperation Vyacheslav Dzirkaln has told reporters.

He failed to specify the number of aircraft to be supplied to China, but said that Beijing will get the aircraft that will be ready for operational service.

Su-35 has been designed by the Sukhoi Design Office. It is an updated air-superiority multipurpose jetfighter that makes use of the fifth-generation technologies.

This story first appeared on Voice of Russia & is reposted here with permission.