10 December 2011

USA: Deputy Secretary of State Bill Burns will depart December 10 for a trip to India and Southeast Asia

In New Delhi, he will meet with senior government officials to discuss a broad range of bilateral, regional, and global issues, underscoring the continued growth in the strategic partnership.  The Deputy will also travel to Mumbai, where he will meet with business leaders and join Consulate General employees for a ribbon-cutting at the American Consulate General’s new facility. 

On December 13, the Deputy will travel to Hanoi for meetings with Vietnamese leadership to discuss our developing strategic relationship, including economic cooperation, people-to-people ties, and our ongoing human rights concerns.

Deputy Secretary Burns travels to Kuala Lumpur December 14, where he will meet with a range of senior officials and other Malaysian opinion leaders.  His visit reflects our commitment to strengthening our cooperative partnership with Malaysia. 

(Note: The US State Department has the wrong headline/title on the page.)