10 December 2011

India: India and China hold the 4th Annual Defence Dialogue

The 4th India-China Annual Defence Dialogue (ADD) was conducted on Dec 09, 2011 in the Ministry of Defence in New Delhi. The Indian side was led by the Defence Secretary, Mr.Shashi Kant Sharma. Gen. Ma Xiaotian, Deputy Chief of General Staff, PLA led the Chinese side.

The Annual Defence Dialogue (ADD) was established under the provisions of the MOU for 'Exchanges and Cooperation in the field of Defence', signed between both the countries in May 2006. The 1st Annual Defence Dialogue was held in Beijing in November 2007, followed by the 2nd ADD held in India in December 2008. The 3rd Annual Defence Dialogue was held in Beijing in January 2010.

The 4th ADD was conducted in an atmosphere of cordiality and both sides were frank and constructive in their approach during the deliberations. The Indian and Chinese sides shared regional and global security perceptions. Both sides agreed that enhancement of defence exchanges between the Armed Forces of India and China would contribute to better understanding and mutual trust and confidence building. Both sides also discussed the programme of defence exchanges during 2012 and agreedthat the range and scope of exchanges at various levels would be gradually enhanced.

It was noted that existing confidence building measures on the LAC between both countries were successful in maintaining peace and tranquility on the borders. It was decided that such measures would continue to be implemented. Both sides agreed that the process of dialogue and communication should be strengthened at various levels to ensure stability in theborder areas. Both sides agreed that the provisions of the 2005 Protocol for implementation of CBMs on the LAC should be strictly adhered to by both sides so that peace and tranquility is maintained in the border areas. It was also noted that the strengthening of the institutional mechanism for border discussions, which is expected to be operationalised soon through the establishment of a working level mechanism, would improve communications on important border related issues.

The Chinese delegation also called on the Defence Minister Shri AK Antony. Shri Antony expressed his satisfaction at the positive and constructive discussions during the ADD and stated that both sides should work towards increasing mutual trust and confidence, as this was for the benefit of both countries. He expressed the hope that high level exchanges between the defence establishments of both sides would further nurture the process of dialogue. He conveyed an invitation to the Chinese Defence Minister to visit India at a mutually convenient time.

The Chinese delegation also called on Chairman, Chiefs of Staff Committee and Chief of Naval Staff, Admiral NirmalVerma at South Block.