22 December 2011

India: Demolishing Wall by Chinese Army in Arunachal Pradesh

As there is no commonly delineated Line of Actual Control (LAC) between India and China, there are a few areas along the border where India and China have different perceptions of LAC. Both sides patrol upto their respective perceptions of LAC due to perceived differences in alignment of LAC.

On 13.7.2011, a PLA patrol attempted to cross a 200 feet wall of loose stones constructed 250 meters on our side of Line of Actual Control (LAC) in Yangtse area of Tawang which was prevented by our troops. The stone wall was partially damaged by PLA which has been reconstructed. As per the established mechanism with China, a strong protest was lodged with the Chinese side on the action of the PLA patrol in a Flag meeting.

This information was given by Defence Minister Shri AK Antony in written reply to Miss Anusuiya Uikey and Shri A. Elavarasan in Rajya Sabha today.