18 June 2011

Russia signs $1.7 bln deal for 2 French warships

RIA NovostiMistralRussia signs $1.7 bln deal for 2 French warships
19:27 17/06/2011 Russia and France signed on Friday a $1.7 billion (1.2 bln euro) contract on two French-built Mistral class amphibious assault ships for the Russian Navy.>>

RIA NovostiRussia and France signed a $1.7 billion (1.2 bln euro) contract on two Mistral class ships for the Russian Navy in St. Petersburg on Friday.U.S. congresswoman says Russian-French Mistral deal threatens U.S. security
03:20 18/06/2011 A purchase of French-built Mistral class amphibious assault ships by Russia poses a threat to U.S. security and is aimed against Washington's allies, the chairwoman of the U.S. House of Representatives' Foreign Affairs Committee has said.>>