17 June 2011

AUS: Farewell to Sapper Rowan Robinson

Hundreds of family, friends and colleagues gathered today at St Anthony's Catholic Church in Kingscliff, New South Wales, to commemorate the life of Sapper Rowan Robinson.

Sapper Robinson was farewelled in a heartfelt and moving service attended by family, friends and colleagues from the Incident Response Regiment.

Commanding Officer, Incident Response Regiment (IRR) spoke highly of the young Combat Engineer. 

“If the mark of a great person is measured by the passion with which others speak of him, then Rowan is a legend. Rarely does anyone get accolades for extreme dedication, professionalism, enthusiasm and selflessness in the same sentence as great humour, awesome character, life of any party and a great mate - but he had all of these and more,” said the Commanding Officer, IRR.  

© Commonwealth of Australia Photo provided by Department of Defence

“He epitomised everything that a special operations engineer can be and should be - bravery, mateship and a willingness to risk ones life so that others may live; those were his qualities, and to a soldier, we aspire to them.”  

Speaking on behalf of Rowan’s mates, Lance Corporal B spoke fondly of the brave and outstanding soldier.  

“Rowan lived his life to the fullest. Always up for trying new things, visiting new places and leaving his mark on every town he visited,” said Lance Corporal B.

“On behalf of the boys from 22 Troop, from the lads at IRR and the outrageous Cronulla crew, you were an inspirational soldier and a best mate. You will be greatly missed but never forgotten. Lest we forget.”

Rowan is survived by his parents Peter and Marie, sister Rachel and brothers Troy and Ben.

The Hon Julia Gillard MP, Prime Minister; The Hon Tony Abbott MP, Leader of the Opposition; The Hon Stephen Smith, Minister for Defence; the Hon Andrew Stoner, Deputy Premier of NSW; Dr Ian Watt AO, Secretary for Defence; Air Chief Marshal Angus Houston AC AFC, Chief of the Defence Force and Lieutenant General Ken Gillespie AC DSC CSM, Chief of Army were also in attendance to farewell Sapper Robinson.