20 June 2011

RoK: Defense reform aims to build robust military

South Korean president Lee Myung-bak said on June 15 that the ultimate goal of the Defense Reform is aimed at building the military that can fight and win.

On behalf of the president, the president’s special advisor on security Lee Hee-won delivered the president’s congratulatory message stressed such statement during a launch ceremony of the new Northwest Islands Defense Command at Marine Corps Headquarters in Hwaseong, Gyeonggi.

“Our military will take advantage of a strong reform to be reborn,” Lee Hee-won said. “Only when we are strong, we can deter North Korea’s provocations.”

In the message, the president also said that even though the military’s goal is to control war and maintain peace, the military must fight back strongly and thoroughly in case of enemy’s attacks. The president emphasized that peace and security can not be guaranteed not just with high-tech weapons.

“Only when we do not fall down in difficulties and fight desperately, then we can defend our security,” said Lee. “Defend northwestern islets [near the inter-Korean maritime border] on the Yellow Sea at all cost so that the people can live in peace.”

In the latter of his message, the president showed endless trust and love toward the military. 

Security advisor Lee Hee-won delivered a specimen of the president Lee Myung-bak’s handwriting that reads, “The spearhead of protecting motherland” during the ceremony. The handwriting reveals the president’s strong will to defend northwestern islets and the inter-Korean maritime border with complete preparedness through the military reform.