02 June 2011

AUS: Major Exercise for Minor War Vessel Fleet

They might be the Royal Australian Navy’s minor war vessels but there’s nothing minor about their contribution to protecting Australia’s maritime interests, and this week they’re being put through their paces.

HMA Ships Launceston, Brunei, Labuan, Wewak, Shepparton, and Benalla, along with four Navy helicopters, are taking part in the Minor War Vessel Fleet Concentration Period in waters North of Cairns.

The week long sea training exercise will give the units an opportunity to practice tactical manoeuvring, boarding operations and seamanship, as well as amphibious and helicopter evolutions, in-company with each other.

The scenarios will become more challenging as the week progresses and will culminate with a beach landing and extraction exercise at Cowley Beach.

Commander Minor War Vessels Sea Training Group, Commander Alex Hawes, says the crews involved will have the chance to hone skills they rarely get to practice in a dynamic, multi-platform environment.

HMAS Benalla at anchor near Fitzroy Island, Cairns
 during the Minor War Vessel Concentration Period.

“The integration of Heavy Landing Craft, Hydrographic Survey ships, an Armidale Class Patrol Boat and aviation assets provides a valuable training opportunity that, in most cases, would not be available by individual units.

“Given the high operational tempo of our ships, in-company time is important to ensure that our people are able to operate at their optimum capacity.”

Personnel will also practice fire fighting and damage control techniques and the more specific skills associated with their job classifications.

The Minor War Vessel Fleet Concentration Period is a carefully planned exercise conducted within strict environmental management constraints.