23 March 2017

News Story: Rody faces more impeach raps over Panatag, Benham

Sen. Antonio Trillanes IV
(Image: Flickr User - IRRI Photos)
By Paolo Romero

MANILA, Philippines - A supplemental impeachment complaint will be filed against President Duterte for betrayal of public trust and culpable violation of the Constitution when he allowed the continued Chinese encroachment in the country’s territorial waters, Sen. Antonio Trillanes IV said yesterday.

Trillanes said the supplemental complaint will be attached to the first complaint filed by Magdalo party-list Rep. Gary Alejano last week at the House of Representatives.

Alejano filed the impeachment complaint accusing Duterte of masterminding extrajudicial killings of thousands of people since he was mayor of Davao City and until now as President in his war against illegal drugs.

Trillanes said Duterte himself publicly admitted that he allowed Chinese vessels to explore the resource-rich Benham Rise in the Philippine Sea, and conceded he cannot stop China from its plans to put up structures at Panatag (Scarborough) Shoal, just 125 nautical miles from Zambales.

“If you read the different articles of our Constitution, even the oath of the President, he swears to push the interests of the country and the faithful execution of the law and the Constitution, including protecting our territorial integrity. In this case, he specifically committed dereliction of duty,” Trillanes said in a press conference.

“He’s slowly giving away our country to China,” he said.

Read the full story at PhilStar