17 January 2017

News Story: Presidential officials clarify Duterte's warning of martial law

President Rodrigo Duterte
MANILA, Jan. 16 (Xinhua) -- Philippine presidential officials have reassured the public that President Rodrigo Duterte has no plan of declaring martial law in the country despite his earlier warning.

Chief Presidential Legal Counsel Salvador Panelo said there was a big "if" in the statement of the president which means that it is not yet final.

Panelo, in an interview by radio DWFM on Monday, said certain factors must be present before Duterte would consider declaring martial law.

Duterte, while addressing the Davao City Chamber of Commerce and Industry last Saturday, said he was inclined to declare martial law if the situation becomes virulent.

Panelo reassured the public that the constitution included such safety clauses like martial law may only be imposed if there is a need to preserve the country from chaos.

Read the full story at Xinhua


Story Quote: Andanar said such "irresponsible" headlines would trigger panic and confusion.

PacificSentinel: If Duterte want's to avoid "panic and confusion" he should learn to keep his fat mouth shut, at least until IF becomes WHEN.