09 January 2017

News Story: Myanmar asks Malaysia to block aid to Rohingya

YANGON: Myanmar has acknowledged asking Malaysia to try to prevent Malaysian nongovernment organisations from sending an aid flotilla to help "a specific community" in restive Rakhine State, a reference to the Rohingya Muslim minority.

The Foreign Ministry said it had told the Malaysian Embassy it "would be grateful if the government of Malaysia could kindly take necessary measures to prevent the reported attempt by certain NGOs to send aid flotilla, which cannot be allowed to enter without prior approval from the government of Myanmar".

It said that while Myanmar welcomed humanitarian assistance from the governments of fellow Asean member states, such aid should be for "both communities in Rakhine State without any discrimination and the proposal should be made through the proper diplomatic channel".

By "both communities", it was referring also the Rakhine Buddhist community.

Read the full story at BangkokPost