19 November 2016

News Story: Security Cameras Tracked Kabul Bomber, But No Action Was Taken

by Sayed Tariq Majidi

Security sources have told TOLOnews that Wednesday's suicide bomber in Kabul waited in clear view of security cameras for thirty minutes for his target to drive by.

The attack Wednesday in the Pule Mahmoud Khan area of Kabul targeted an Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) vehicle killing at least six people including an Afghan colonel Mohammad Dawoud Zarif.

The vehicle had been carrying personnel from the VIP protection unit. ‎

Zarif's family have accused the security institution of ignoring threats.

Zarif is survived by four children and was the only breadwinner in his family.

"Government must hold them accountable and ask how the suicide attackers manage to come from Torkham and reach behind the doors of a VIP protection body," said Mohammad Hussain, Zarif's neighbor.

"My uncle continued his mission like a hero, he was the only breadwinner of his family," said Zarif's nephew Kanishka.

Despite a huge financial investment in the installation of CCTV cameras, critics claim they are not being monitored properly. ‎

Read the full story at TOLOnews