02 November 2016

News Story: Russia ready to create joint economic plan with Japan on disputed islands

MOSCOW, Nov. 1 (Xinhua) -- Russia is ready to offer Japan a joint economic plan on the development of the disputed islands but will not renounce its sovereignty over those islands, a senior Russian parliament leader said Tuesday during her visit to Tokyo.

"The sovereignty of Russia over the Kuril Islands is indisputable and is not subject for revision," Valentina Matviyenko, Speaker of the Russia Federation Council, or the upper house of parliament, told reporters at a briefing broadcasted live by the Rossiya 24 TV channel.

Russia and Japan have not signed a peace treaty formalizing the end of World War II due to a territory row over four small islands in the Pacific -- the Southern Kurils called by Russia and the Northern Territories called by Japan. The decades-old territorial dispute has hindered diplomatic and trade relations between the two countries.

Read the full story at Xinhua