18 November 2016

News Story: EU Distressed Over Afghan Situation, Urges NUG Leaders to Unite

by Anisa Shahid

The European Union's Special Representative for Afghanistan Franz-Michael Skjold Mellbin on Wednesday raised deep concerns over the ongoing turmoil in Afghanistan, urging the Afghan political leaders to settle their disputes and unite for the sake of the nation.

He also reiterated EU's longstanding cooperation to Afghanistan in the years ahead.

"I think it is very important that there is a strong united leadership, all Afghans have to work together in this time of crisis, there is a very difficult political, economic and security situation, some of that is outside the control of Afghanistan, the Afghan people, some of these are out of the control of politicians, but certainly national unity, political unity something in the hands of the Afghans themselves and political leadership and that should be the baseline, I really think that there is a strong need for to take their responsibility," said Mellbin.

Joining the EU diplomat, some Afghan lawmakers have also said that rifts within the political leadership was not in the interests of the country.

"Continuation of these disagreements does not support the interests of the nation, therefore the political leadership should sideline their disputes for the sake of the nation," said MP Fatima Aziz.

Read the full story at TOLOnews