17 November 2016

News Story: 900,000 Refugees Return From Pakistan, Iran This Year Alone

Image: Flickr User - ResoluteSupportMedia
by Zarminah Mohammadi

Ministry of Refugees and Repatriations (MoRR) said on Tuesday that the number of Afghan refugees who have returned from Pakistan and Iran since the start of the year is estimated to be about 900,000 - surpassing all previous years.

According to the MoRR, more than 600,000 returned from Pakistan and 300,000 from Iran.

Meanwhile, the World Food Program (WFP) has said that there are about 23,000 children among those return-refugees, adding that many of them are suffering from malnutrition.

"Government has failed to deliver on its promises regarding the refugees; the refugees are living in very bad conditions," said an Afghan returnee Rozi Khan.

"We left Pakistan five days ago, now there is no shelter for us to live in and no food to eat, we have a lot of problems," another refugee Mohammad Jan said.

The MoRR has said that it is committed to meeting the challenges facing the refugees in line with its capacities.

Read the full story at TOLOnews