19 November 2016

News Report: India to Track Suspicious Flying Objects With Home-Made Eye In the Sky

India's Embraer EMB-145 AEW&C (File Photo)
Indian security services are keeping a vigil over its skies with a unique India-Russia-Israel partnership for Airborne Warning and Control (AEW&C) Systems. By next month, they will supplement the deployment with home-made AEW&C systems.

New Delhi (Sputnik) – After waiting for years including a demoralizing accident that killed several scientists, the Indian Air Force will finally receive home-made AEW&C Systems mounted on Brazilian planes next month, said an announcement by the Indian Ministry of Defense.

“There has been delay in AWE&C Program due to several reasons,” clarified Subhash Bhamre, India’s Minister of State for Defense, in the Lower House of Parliament. 

India had acquired three Brazilian aircraft for $208 million for its indigenous AEW&C program in 2008. The Brazilian company Embraer had started delivery of aircraft from 2012. The EMB-145 AEW&C features major capabilities such as in-flight refueling system, significant increase in electric and cooling capacity and a comprehensive set of structural changes that allowed the installation of the advanced mission systems developed by India’s CABS (Centre for Air Borne Systems). 

Meanwhile, other efficient and ambitious AWACS India program is running on schedule. Indian government had finalized two Airbus A330 at cost of USD 813 million for the program. Indigenous AWACS (I) System is likely to be available from 2024. 

The AWACS can simultaneously track flying objects and monitor movements on the ground or in the sea.

This story first appeared on Sputnik & is reposted here with permission.