08 November 2016

India: Indo Sri Lanka joint military exercise MITRA SHAKTI - 2016 concludes

The Indo-Sri Lankan military exercise ‘MITRA SHAKTI 2016' culminated on 06 November 2016 after fourteen days of intense military training. The exercise concluded with an impressive closing ceremony held at Sinha Regimental Centre, Ambepussa. 

A platoon each from an infantry battalion of the Rajputana Rifles Regiment, Indian Army and Sinha Regiment, Sri Lankan Army participated in the fourth edition of this bilateral exercise. The joint exercise was conducted from 24 October to 06 November 2016 and focused on enhancing inter-operability while carrying out Counter Insurgency (CI) and Counter Terrorism (CT) operations under a UN mandate. 

The exercise also provided an opportunity to both the armies for greater cultural understanding, sharing experiences and strengthening mutual trust and co-operation. The participating contingents expressed immense satisfaction at the standards achieved during the validation phase of the exercise. The contingents of both armies carry home, cherished memories of bonhomie and the professional association established. 

The previous exercise with the Sri Lankan Army was successfully conducted in the month of September 2015 at Pune in India. 

Col Rohan Anand, SM PRO (Army)