Pakistani officials told the media that Sharbat Gula, the famous green-eyed Afghan girl, was arrested by Pakistan's Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) after a two-year probe in Peshawar, near the border of Afghanistan.
Pakistani authorities claim the arrest was due to having had a fake ID.
Gula allegedly applied for an identity card in April 2014, using the name Sharbat Bibi. If the fraud claims are true, she is one of thousands of Afghan refugees living in Pakistan who have tried to dodge its computerized system.
Gula was 12 when photographer Steve McCurry captured his iconic image of her living in a refugee camp for Afghan nationals in Peshawar, Pakistan. Her image was first used on the cover of National Geographic.
Now in her 40s, Gula -- also known as Sharbat Bibi -- was arrested in Peshawar on Tuesday for falsifying documents and staying illegally in Pakistan, officials said.
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