28 October 2016

News Story: CIA may be behind creation of abu sayyaf, says Pimintel

Senanotr Aquilino Pimentel yesterday sought a Senate inquiry to answer the
question; “Is the Abu Sayyaf a creation of the Central Intelligence Agency?”

Pimientel told a press conference that “bits of information” have been reaching his office indicating that the American spy agency had a hand in forming the Abu Sayyaf – ironically, in cahoots with covert units in the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP).

“Piecing bits of information together makes out a case, at least pro tanto, that the Abu Sayyaf might indeed be a creation of the CIA and had been covertly supported by select military officers during the administration of President (Fidel) Ramos,” Pimentel said.

Read the full story at Tankler