03 September 2016

News Story: Pakistani General 'Leading War Against Troops' In Northern Provinces

by Aref Musavi

Jawzjan Police Chief General Rahmatullah Turkistani told TOLOnews that the terrorists' war against security forces in Jawzjan, Sar-i-Pul and Faryab provinces in the country's north is being led by a Pakistani general named Sheikh Neda Mohammad.

Turkistani added that the Pakistani general is fighting the war against Afghan security forces with the help of a number of Pakistani and Uzbek militants as well as Afghan Taliban.

"A Pakistani general known as Sheikh Neda Mohammad is leading the war. Now another Pakistani general has joined the war in Qoshtepa [district in Jawzjan]. Taliban is fighting under his command, and they [the commanders] pay their salary and provide them with bread and other facilities," Turkistani stated.

Read the full story at TOLOnews