05 September 2016

News Story: Myanmar's Panglong Peace Conference ends with determination to achieving peace

By Feng Yingqiu

NAY PYI TAW, Sept. 4 (Xinhua) -- The 21st Century Panglong Conference of Myanmar ended successfully in Nay Pyi Taw with participants agreeing to find solutions through coordination and discussions towards the goal of achieving peace under the guideline of Nationwide Cease fire Accord (NCA).

The four-day conference ended on Saturday calling for all sides with different stances and opinions to coordinate without delay to realize peace in the country.

Obvious challenges arising from the conference go to that how to bring in non-signatories to the NCA, said U Zaw Htay, member of the Committee for Holding Panglong Conference, adding that if they are not included in the political dialogue, there will be no peace.

Thanking stakeholders for the successful holding of the Panglong Conference, Myanmar State Counselor Aung San Suu Kyi, who is also chairperson of Union Peace Dialogue Joint Committee (UPDJC), called the event a part of the peace process, stressing the need for constant efforts to keep up the momentum for peace and reconciliation.

"Peace is not a thing only discussed in the conference. We must keep on efforts to achieving peace for the reunification of the country," she said in her closing remarks at the conference.

Read the full story at Xinhua