05 September 2016

News Story: Myanmar's Panglong Conference produces good outcome - committee member

NAY PYI TAW, Sept. 3 (Xinhua) -- The 21st Century Panglong Conference in Myanmar has produced good outcome with common consent reached, U Zaw Htay, member of the Committee for Holding Panglong Conference, said on Saturday.

The common consent includes aspiration for building a union of federal system and coordination under the guideline of Nationwide Ceasefire Accord (NCA).

The four-day conference called for prompt implementation of peace without delay and coordination of diversified stances and opinions expressed at the conference.

"Obvious challenges arising from the conference go to that how to bring in non-signatories to the NCA," he said, adding that if they are not included in the political dialogue, there will be no peace.

Read the full story at Xinhua