09 September 2016

News Story: Kandahar's Raziq To Take Control Of Trin Kot Battle

Kandahar police chief General Abdul Raziq 2015 (Image: TOLOnews)
The Ministry of Interior on Thursday afternoon confirmed Kandahar police chief General Abdul Raziq had arrived in Trin Kot in Uruzgan province where he will lead the troops, including his own, in clearing the besieged city of Taliban.

According to MoI spokesman Sediq Sediqqi, Raziq has sent in reinforcements from Kandahar and that NATO air support had also been deployed.

Sediqqi confirmed air strikes were being conducted against insurgents just outside Trin Kot.

Meanwhile, Uruzgan MP Raihana Azad said Raziq's men had battled for hours to drive back the Taliban from the #Trin Kot airport and from other parts of the city.

Read the full story at TOLOnews