06 September 2016

News Story: DPRK says top leader guides test-firing of ballistic rockets

PYONGYANG, Sept. 6 (Xinhua) -- Top leader of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) Kim Jong Un has guided the test-firing of ballistic rockets by the strategic force, the official news agency KCNA reported Tuesday.

Taking part in the test-firing drill were Hwasong artillery units of the strategic force of the Korean People's Army, who are tasked with hitting the U.S. military bases in the Pacific, the state media said.

The drill was aimed to reexamine the flight security and guided accuracy of the improved ballistic rockets deployed for action and to assess and inspect capabilities of the units for action, it noted.

The state media described the test-firing as "perfect" and said the drill has proved that the strategic force of the military is "capable of mounting a preemptive attack on the enemies any time and from any place."

Kim, who was satisfied with the test result, instructed to make more achievements in bolstering nuclear force and to bring the military deterrent on a higher lever through development of nuclear arsenal.

Read the full story at Xinhua