06 September 2016

News Report: Some 3,500 Terrorists Killed in Pakistan's Zarb-e-Azb Operation

Pakistani armed forces eliminated more than 3,500 terrorists during Pakistan’s Zarb-e-Azb counter-terror operation on the border with Afghanistan, according to Pakistani Ambassador to Russia Qazi Khalilullah.

MOSCOW (Sputnik) — As many as 3,500 terrorists were killed during Pakistan’s Zarb-e-Azb counter-terror operation on the border with Afghanistan, Pakistani Ambassador to Russia Qazi Khalilullah told Sputnik. 

"The large-scale anti-terrorism operation called Zarb-e-Azb has presently entered its final phase. The operation was hugely successful – the Pakistani armed forces eliminated more than 3,500 terrorists, destroyed 992 hideouts, confiscated 253 tonnes of explosives, as well as 3,500 rockets and mortars, destroyed numerous explosives plants and eliminated 2,800 mines in the regions bordering Afghanistan," Khalilullah said.

This story first appeared on Sputnik & is reposted here with permission.