08 September 2016

News Report: Indian Government Not Considering Crackdown on Kashmir Protesters

The Indian government is not planning to launch a crackdown on Kashmir activists in response to the protests they staged when the all-party delegation visited the region earlier in the week, local media reported Wednesday, citing sources.

MOSCOW (Sputnik) — The decision was made during a meeting of Home Minister Rajnath Singh with the all-party delegation on the issue in New Delhi earlier on Wednesday, The Hindustan Times reported.

On Sunday, the delegation led by Singh arrived to negotiate on the restoration of peace in Kashmir. Several clashes occurred in some parts of the state as people took to the streets to express their discontent with the delegation's visit. Around 450 people were injured in the clashes. 

Shortly after the delegation's visit, reports emerged that the government was considering a crackdown on activist leaders, including suspending the payment for their medical expenses or benefits, such as accommodation in state guest houses. 

India's northernmost region of Jammu and Kashmir has been disputed by India and Pakistan since the dissolution of British India and the establishment of the two countries in 1947. Some local residents, most of them Muslims, especially those residing in the Kashmir Valley, call for greater autonomy or even independence from India.

This story first appeared on Sputnik & is reposted here with permission.