19 July 2016

News Story: Czech activist rebuts China’s wrongful viewpoint on East (South China) Sea

China's Artificial Island at Fiery Cross Reef (late 2015)
Marcel Winter, President of the Czech – Vietnamese Society, recently refuted a newspaper article showing China’s wrongful viewpoints on the East Sea situation.

The article on the Czech Republic’s Halo noviny daily was published shortly after the ruling of the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA), which rejected China’s unfounded territorial claims for waters within the so-called nine-dash line.

Marcel Winter wrote on the society’s website that the Halo noviny article demonstrated China’s subjective and groundless viewpoints.

He stressed that the Philippines filed the lawsuit against China to the PCA because the country, along with Vietnam and Malaysia, want to resolve disputes through diplomatic channels, not military measures.

It is irrational to say that countries are not allowed to lodge a lawsuit to the PCA if China doesn’t permit, he said, noting that any sovereign nation can sue China at an international tribunal since they are not Chinese colonies.

Read the full story at VietnamNet