19 April 2016

News Story: China, Russia oppose internationalizing South China Sea dispute

MOSCOW, April 18 (Xinhua) -- Both Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi and his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov on Monday voiced their opposition to internationalizing the South China Sea dispute, calling for settlement through negotiation and consultation.

Wang and Lavrov made the statements during a meeting between them in the day. Wang is visiting Moscow to attend the 14th meeting with participation of foreign ministers of China, Russia and India.

China is safeguarding legitimate rights and interests in South China Sea and is entitled to choose, in accordance with relevant laws, by itself ways for resolving disputes, said Wang, adding that Beijing's refusal of the Philippines' unilaterally-proposed arbitration case over the issue is a move meant to uphold the dignity and authority of the law.

Both China and Russia should stay on guard against abuses of mandatory arbitration, said Wang.

Read the full story at Xinhua