03 March 2016

USA: Adoption of UN Security Council Resolution 2270 on North Korea

I welcome the unanimous adoption today of UN Security Council resolution 2270 on North Korea, which reflects the firm and united resolve of the international community to address Pyongyang’s continued defiance of its international obligations and commitments.

This resolution contains the toughest set of sanctions imposed by the Security Council in more than two decades, and includes mandatory cargo inspections, sectoral sanctions on North Korean trade in natural resources, and other rigorous provisions unprecedented in the North Korean sanctions regime. Today’s action, and the international consensus it represents, will hold the regime to account for its increasingly provocative behavior and the threat it poses to not only security on the peninsula, but also to the world.

With this resolution we renew our collective resolve to take concerted action to counter this threat posed by North Korea’s proscribed programs and proliferation activities worldwide.