03 March 2016

News Story: S.Korea conducts maritime drill for WMD carried by DPRK ships

South Korean Sejong the Great class Destroyer
SEOUL, March 2 (Xinhua) -- South Korea's navy on Wednesday conducted maritime drills to detect and seize weapons of mass destruction (WMD) carried by ships from the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), Yonhap news agency reported.

The exercise assumed a situation that a DPRK vessel suspected of carrying weapons of mass destruction sails past South Korea's territorial waters off the southern resort island of Jeju.

It marked the first maritime exercise for a navy unit stationed at a Jeju Island port, which was launched late in February.

The South Korean navy mobilized various battleships, including a 7,600-ton Aegis-equipped destroyer, a 4,400-ton destroyer and a 400-ton guided missile patrol gunboat, a 1,200-ton submarine, a P-3 maritime patrol aircraft and a Lynx anti-submarine helicopter.

Read the full story at Xinhua