04 March 2016

News Story: DPRK fires 6 short-range projectiles in wake of UN resolution

SEOUL, March 3 (Xinhua) -- The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) fired six short-range projectiles on Thursday morning in an apparent show of force after new tougher sanctions resolution on Pyongyang was passed at the UN Security Council.

Seoul's defense ministry spokesman Moon Sang-Kyun told a regular press briefing that DPRK forces fired short-range projectiles at about 10 a.m. (0100 GMT) from its Wonsan area into the East Sea.

The Joint Chiefs of Staff later confirmed that six projectiles were launched, flying about 100-150 km eastward.

Whether the projectiles were short-range missiles hasn't been identified, but those were believed to have been KN-01 short-range missiles or shells from 300-mm multiple rocket launchers.

The spokesman said that the South Korean military maintained a full defense readiness while closely monitoring the moves of DPRK forces.

Read the full story at Xinhua