08 March 2016

News Story: Beijing steps up warnings on Taiwan independence

Beijing stepped up its rhetoric against Taiwanese independence on Saturday, with Premier Li Keqiang warning against "separatist activities" on the island and pledging to safeguard China's "territorial integrity".

Li's comments at the opening of the mainland's National People's Congress (NPC) parliament came weeks after Tsai Ing-wen, chairwoman of the Beijing-sceptic Democratic People's Party, was elected Taiwan's next president.

Beijing will "oppose separatist activities for the independence of Taiwan" and "safeguard China's sovereignty and territorial integrity", Li told the Communist-controlled legislature.

Both clauses were additions to the remarks he made on the issue at last year's NPC, when the Beijing-friendly Kuomintang of current leader Ma Ying-jeou was still hoping to retain power in Taipei.

Read the full story at SinoDaily