04 March 2016

News Story: Abe's constitutional reform comments draw flak from coalition heavyweight

TOKYO, March 3 (Xinhua) -- Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's recent statement regarding his eagerness to amend the nation's constitution while he is in office, drew flak Thursday from a senior lawmaker from within the ruling coalition.

Yoshio Urushibara, chairman of Komeito's Central Secretariat, expressed concern that the prime minister's comments could be used by opposition parties against the ruling Liberal Democratic Party-led coalition to hamper its plans to consolidate power in the upper house following elections this summer.

"We are worried that Abe's eagerness could give opposition parties, now in disarray over their policies, a rallying point and that his comments could be exploited in the House of Councillors election this summer," Urushibara told a press briefing Thursday.

Urushibara voicing his concerns, follows the prime minister and president of the LDP telling parliament a day earlier that he plans to amend the constitution while he is in office.

Read the full story at Xinhua