16 March 2016

Industry: Boeing contracts Ocean to supply FlightPro® for HATS

Airbus EC135 helicopter for HATS
Following an in-depth market evaluation process, Boeing Defence Australia (BDA) has contracted Ocean Software to supply its operations and training management system, FlightPro® to manage the $A600 million Australian Defence Force’s JP9000P7 Helicopter Aircrew Training System (HATS).

Under the Helicopter Aircrew Training System (HATS) project, Boeing along with its team from Thales Australia, Airbus and Turbomeca will deliver a fully integrated aircrew training solution that involves instructors, three full motion simulators, a Computer Based Training (CBT) suite and the Airbus EC135 helicopter.

In order to manage and optimise this integrated training system, Boeing will use FlightPro® to deliver scheduling, electronic student records and assessment, CBT/Computer Aided Instruction (CAI), business process workflows and operational reporting. Partnered with Bluedrop Performance Learning, Ocean will also deliver the Learninglogics™ Learning Content Management System (LCMS) to allow the development and approval of SCORM compliant CBT for the HATS program.

This contract builds on Boeing’s existing relationship with Ocean that began in 2007 with the Army Aviation Training and Training Support (AATTS) contract, where BDA use FlightPro® in support of their delivery of pilot, aircrew and technician training for the Australian Army’s Black Hawk and Kiowa.

This program brings about an exciting milestone for Ocean Software whereby all undergraduate training for ADF aircrew is now managed on the FlightPro® system including: ADF BFT (Tamworth), 2FTS (Perth) and the upcoming PA5428 Pilot Training System. FlightPro® is also implemented as the Unit Level Tool for Resource Allocation (ULTRAFP) to all RAAF operational units, allowing a recruitment to retirement capability.

A world-leading enterprise solution, FlightPro® now supports 9 militaries and is implemented in 12 countries. This includes whole of Air Force deliveries in Canada and Finland where FlightPro® delivers a recruitment to retirement solution from initial training through to the operational front line.