20 February 2016

News Story: CNO - (US) Navy ‘leaning in’ on information warfare

Amber Corrin

The Navy has undergone numerous lines of effort to realign its force to operate in the cyber domain and better conduct information warfare, including strategies and service-wide assessments, and it’s better positioned the force to meet emerging threats, according to the Chief of Naval Operations.

“With respect to cyber threats, we’re putting a tremendous amount of effort into that. We’re organizing for success there. It’s a very, very fast-moving problem, but we are, I think, structured now,” CNO Adm. John Richardson said Feb. 19 at the West 2016 conference in San Diego, California. “We’ve gone through the assessment phase, Task Force Cyber Awakening, and that introspection has led to a number of organizational moves we’ve made. We’re getting ourselves set and we’re moving out with programs to establish standards for security.”

Task Force Cyber Awakening, a sweeping, Navy-wide cyber and IT security evaluation, revealed much about where the service was falling short in protecting its software and hardware. The result is an increased awareness across the Navy, as well as more concrete efforts to “bake in” security into new systems and platforms, including starting with the acquisition process. But the effort is ongoing, and it means toeing a fine line between locking down for security and maintaining freedom to maneuver, Richardson said.

Read the full story at C4ISR & Networks