17 November 2015

Brunei: Royal Brunei Navy welcoms KD Kelantan ans KD Jerong for Exercise Hornbill 25/15

KD Kelantan (175) underway in the Strait of Malacca
(Image: Wiki Commons)
MUARA NAVAL BASE, Friday 13 November 2015 - The Royal Brunei Navy (RBN) and the Royal Malaysian Navy (RMN) commenced their seven days bilateral exercise today. The exercise is code-named EXERCISE HORNBILL 25/15, which is in its 25th in this series of exercise. The objective of the exercise is to enhance force interoperability between both navies as well as to foster good working relationship through the practice of standing standard operating procedures. The aims of this exercise are to enhance mutual understanding and agreed procedure as well as to establish camaraderie of both navies. Concept of exercise for this year’s Exercise HORNBILL focuses on Warfare and Maritime Interdiction Operations with ongoing maritime security issues as well as seamanship evolutions.

Today both ships from Royal Malaysian Navy KD KELANTAN and KD JERONG have arrived safely in Brunei Darussalam this morning.

Following the ships’ arrival, the Royal Malaysian Navy delegation, led by Rear Admiral Datuk Khairul Anuar bin Yahya, Commander Naval Region 2, Commander Kamarulzaman bin Zainul Akhmar, Commander Officer of KD TUNKU ABDUL RAHMAN, CDR Jamallul Shafri bin Mohd Shukor, Commander Officer of KD KELANTAN and LT CDR Yusman bin Darmawan, Commanding Officer of KD JERONG made a courtesy call to the Commander Royal Brunei Navy, First Admiral Pengiran Dato Seri Pahlawan Norazmi bin Haji Muhammad at the Royal Brunei Navy Headquarters.

There are four participating ships; two from the RBN namely KDB DARUTTAQWA and KDB SYAFAAT and 2 from the RMN, KD KELANTAN and KD JERONG. Exercise HORNBILL comprises of 3 phases. The first phase will commence with a Harbor phase in Brunei Darussalam, followed by three days of sea phase enroute from Brunei to Kota Kinabalu, Sabah and post exercise phase in Sepanggar Naval Base, Kota Kinabalu. 

The opening ceremony of EXERCISE HORNBILL 25/15 was launched by Yang Berbahagia Rear Admiral Datuk Khairul Anuar bin Yahya, Commander of Naval Region 2 at the Multi-National Coordination Centre, Muara. He then gave an opening remark entailing objectives of the exercise that is to enhance interoperability and professionalism. Also present to witness the launching of the exercise was the RBN Fleet Commander, Commander Pengiran Mohammad bin Pengiran Haji Damit and senior officers from the RBN and RMN. In this year’s Exercise HORNBILL, the task group will be headed by Commander Nor Ariffin bin Haji Mohd Ali, RBN and he is deputised by Commander Kamarulzaman bin Zainul Akhmar, RMN.

Apart from producing a common ground of mutual understanding, participants of both receiving navies will have the opportunity to interact informally through various sporting and social events.