07 May 2015

Editorial: Integrate US-Japan Forces

Image: Flickr User - Official U.S. Navy Page
By Defense News

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's visit to the United States last week was a success. He made Japan's case on security, trade and diplomacy, becoming the first Japanese leader ever to address a joint session of Congress. And in English, no less.

The two countries signed new defense guidelines that Washington has long sought that would allow Japan to take a more active role in its security, to include helping US forces even if Japan isn't under attack. Until recently, Japan's view of self-defense did not allow such cooperation short of a direct attack on the country.

Since taking office, Abe has argued that in the face of rising threats, Japan must take a more proactive security role, and that includes fighting alongside allies that come to Tokyo's aid in a crisis.

Read the full story at DefenseNews