10 April 2015

News Story: Sale of Su-35 jets to China delayed by price objections

Russia's sale of 24 Sukhoi Su-35 fighters to China may be postponed because the PLA Air Force feels the price is too high, according to Duowei News, an outlet operated by overseas Chinese.

Xu Yongling, a retired officer of the PLA Air Force, complained about the attitude of the Russian delegation on his Weibo microblog. "Those Russians are crazy for money, the only thing they are thinking about is to extort China," Xu said. "However, they have miscalculated this time because China no longer needs their technology any more and they will absolutely suffer from this price war."

The Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation was the first Russian government agency to confirm that Beijing and Moscow are discussing the sale of the Su-35 to China. Earlier reports indicated that China originally wanted only four Su-35s to gain the technology it needs to design engine for its advanced fighter program in the future. Russia wanted China to purchase 48 aircraft instead, not only to make more money but also out of concerns that China would back engineer the aircraft to make its own version, as has happened in the past.

Read the full story at Want China Times