08 April 2015

News Story: Four more PLA weapons to worry the US Navy

HQ-9 Surface-to-Air-Missile TEL (File Photo)

The website of the US-based National Interest magazine published an article on April 4 laying out four more Chinese weapons that the US Navy should be concerned about, following a previous piece published in March detailing three weapons.

The three weapons listed in March were the DF-21D "carrier killer" anti-ship missile, combined missile strikes and sea mines.

The first weapon mentioned in the April piece, penned by freelance defense-aerospace reporter and consultant Dave Majumdar, was the J-20 fighter. The fighter, developed in Chengdu, is China's first attempt at building a fifth generation stealth fighter and could challenge US control over Pacific airspace, the article said. Although many details about this new fighter are unclear, the little that has been revealed so far may concern the US Navy, the piece stated.

Read the full story at Want China Times