11 April 2015

Editorial: Yemen Evacuation a Strategic Step Forward for China

By Kevin Wang

The skillful act of military diplomacy also raises an important question for the U.S.

The People’s Liberation Army Navy’s prompt evacuations of hundreds of Chinese and foreign nationals from the coast of troubled Yemen last week has demonstrated a more confident blue-water navy and given China a strategic win in a venue outside its traditional comfort zone.
The surprising move by a Chinese fleet on routine anti-piracy patrol assignments off Somali coast near the Gulf of Aden made for an interesting sidebar story to accompany heavy coverage of the ongoing crisis, with some quickly noticing its “unprecedented“ nature – pointing out that it was the first time China’s military had helped other countries evacuate their citizens during an international event.
The planning for the mission started a week before the final order was given on March 26, just as Saudi Arabia-led coalition forces started airstrikes against Iran-backed Houthi rebels inside Yemen, according to a memo obtained by a Chinese Navy reporter embedded with the operation. 

Read the full story at The Diplomat