09 April 2015

Editorial: This Man Is Now Number 2 in North Korea

Hwang Pyong-so
(Wiki Info - Image: Wiki)

By Ankit Panda

Hwang Pyong-so is now indisputably second-in-command in North Korea.

The question of “who’s number two” in Kim Jong-un’s regime in North Korea has been blurry  for some time, particularly since the dramatic late-2013 purge and execution of Kim’s uncle Jang Song-thaek. Since Jang’s demise, there have been several pretenders to that position. Now, it appears that one has formally risen above the rest.
Hwang Pyong-so, widely believed to be the front-runner to be North Korea’s “number two,” confirmed his claim to that title this week when he was given membership in the politburo presidium of North Korea’s Workers’ Party of Korea (WPK). This position, in addition to his status as the top political officer in North Korea’s military, makes him de facto second-in-command to Kim. Hwang’s ascent to the politburo presidium should end speculation on this topic. 

Read the full story at The Diplomat