07 April 2015

Editorial: China's 'New' Carrier Killer Subs

By Franz-Stefan Gady

Armed with a new supersonic missile, these upgraded boats could spell trouble for US carriers in Asian waters.

The Chinese Navy in in the process of commissioning three new nuclear powered attack submarines, according to China Daily. The report, quoted on the website Defense Tech, furthermore notes that the new vessels will be equipped with a new vertical launching system capable of firing supersonic anti-ship missiles.
The “new” SSNs are in fact, upgraded versions of the Type-093 Shang-class second-generation nuclear-powered attack submarines, two of which are currently in service in the People’s Liberation Army Navy. The upgrades are designated Type-093G.
“The Type-093G is reported to be an upgraded version of Type-093… With a teardrop hull, the submarine is longer than its predecessor and has a vertical launching system,”China Daily said.
However, the Chinese PLAN could also choose to re-designate the ships as Type-095 SSGNs, should all public reports on the vessel prove accurate. 

Read the full story at The Diplomat