21 January 2015

Editorial: Protests, Constitutional Assembly Turn Violent as Nepal Nears a Constitution

By Stephen Groves

Violent protests have broken out across nepal as the Constituent Assembly nears the finalization of a new constitution.

Violent protests broke out across Nepal, including in the parliament, as minority parties did all they could on Tuesday to protest the vote in the Constitutional Assembly planned this week.
The violence began in the parliament in the early hours of Tuesday morning when Speaker Subash Nemwang announced a questionnaire that would precede the voting to approve the draft of the constitution.
Minority party members attempted to storm the stage where Nemwang stood, and were only prevented from doing so by security guards who formed a human-fence, protecting the stage. Minority party representatives destroyed chairs and desks, and threw microphones. In the assault, several security guards sustained injuries.
Read the full story at The Diplomat